[SOLVED]Help for installing freetz!!!


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Hallo, das ist meine erste post und ich m'o'chte Ihre hielfe. Mein Deutsch ist schlecht und so I would be using english.. I hope you could help me. I have just bought a shinny brand new fritz box 7140. I would like to install there a torrent client so that i could save them on my external hdd. I have found that a solution to that is to upgrade with a custom firmware, freetz! However i couldnt find any tutorial in english to do so.. And google translate isnt much help.. I would be grateful if someone could send me the steps required for such an upgrade in english.. or post some site where i could find the needed information... Thank you in advance!!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Download this and install it in VMWare oder import it into VirtualBox using the import wizard.

Start it, login with login: freetz password:freetz

When you are logged in, enter svn co http://svn.freetz.org/trunk 7140. This will download the "trunk" version of freetz into the directory 7140, you can replace 7140 with whatever you'd like.

Enter the directory (cd 7140) and enter make menuconfig. This will get you into the GUI which is in English. Selct your FritzBox Model, maybe show advanced options in case you can't find the torrent client in the packages section.

I think there is also an option to compile pretty much everything in English, so the FritzBox GUI AND the Freetz-Gui will be in english. If the torrent package is not available any more if you select English then because it's not available in English.

Then go to Packages and select the torrent client, don't ask me which one it was, you'll find it there, I'm not at my computer right now to check.

When you are done exit and when it asks if you want to save hit yes. Then enter make and wait until the compiling process is done. If there are no errors there will show up a message saying where the new images is, how big it is and how much space is left. If you used to much space then it can't be created. Then you'd need to go to patches and remove unwanted stuff.

To download the image and upload it to your computer use a ftp client or samba to "download" the image from your virtual machine. Login data is freetz and freetz again I think, if not check the topic I linked.
@nimrod: Ergänz doch das englische Wiki?
I dont know if it matters but i am already using ubuntu.. Do i although have to use the vmware? Should i update it using the avm's firmware? I have read that i can make it 7170 that way..
One more question, using the vmware i will create an image,with which then i should update the router?..

PS: I have an english interface fritz..
Ubuntu works perfect for building the firmware, I use it for a long time.

I think, there is a guide out there in the wiki, what modules / libraries you need to apt-get, to get ready for compillation.

Once you have all the libraries, compilers, linkers, make tools and svn installed you can start the build as described.

The sources for the modules and the firmware are automatically downloaded from various sites during the first make.
ok i am in the gui! what packages/patches do you suggest me to install?
I would say, it depends on your needs and on the limitations your hardware has (in regard of memory space and interfaces).

If you take a look at the

make menuconfig

and select your box, you will see a lot of options available, some add features (packages), some remove unneeded features (patches) from the firmware to save memory space for other useful things.

So everybody here has a custom installation and makes his own firmware according to ones preferences / usecases.

You will end up with a configuration, that extends the built-in functions with a second UI and access to the underlying linux system, where you can make your own scripts or whatever. There are also a lot of packages ready to use comming with a web interface for configuration.

Just try them out, if you like. Before you start flashing your own firmware version it is strongly recommended to download a original "repair" image from the internet, so you can - just in case - reset the box to the original firmware.

Otherwise you may need an alternative Internet access working, to get the necessary tools, while your box is not responding or hanging.
Before flashing with my custom firmware.. Should i update with the latest avm firmware? I suppose that the flashing i will have 2 web interfaces installed, right?
After flashing you will have at least 2 webinterfaces, thats right.
Should i update the stock router with the latest avm firmware before I do any actions?
Not necessarily. Your new firmware will overwrite this anyway.
I am pretty sure, the trunk has the latest firmware version, so you will "upgrade" to that when you flash your own image.

With the development environment you can flash almost any firmware version. The commands are described in the Wiki.

The image replaces anything on the box including the linux kernel (except the bootstrap loader and the settings files of course). The additional web Interfaces run on differend ports, each of them has its own httpd deamon.

Good Luck!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ok i got it know! However could you please suggest me which packets/patches to install that will be useful. For now the only one that i need is the transmission.. Select the only one in the packet section or and the web interface that is in the testiong section? What about the standard packets?

Should i replace kernel? what about IPv6 support?
What you should integrate in your environment, is simple your choice. If you only need transmission, than i suggest that actually the only packet you should use ist transmission.
Do you use any kind of ipv6-protocol? If yes, activating this my be useful, but without avms ipv6-support there is no use for it.
I think it is described already somewhere. I'll try to make you a "management summary":

Section Patches: here you can remove some scrap you might not need from the original Firmware to save space, but also there are additions: e.G Automount filesystems ext2, ext, NTFS, ReiserFS if you want to have them supported on your USB Devices.

Also you can add Annex A firmware support for some countries, where Annex B is not sufficient.

On the packages Section you will find all Addons available so far for your Box.

There are Standard Packages - almost usefull command line Linux stuff

I use The Bridge Utils, Cpmaccfg (configuring the switch), dnsmasq (I not use it yet, but plan to), the dropbear is important (ssh console), the mc is very useful at the console, also the nano editor. I have Samba support for Windows clients too..

The other stuff I do not need, so I have not selected it.

The Web Interfaces Section offers for my Box the AVM Firewall (a good Idea to be able to change the default settings and tweak the security settings), I also have the RRDstats (graphical Interface for usage statistics),
the syslog deamon - to have a little more insight view on the box, You might
need the tranmission CGI.

I have also some debug helpers installed, but a regular user do not need them.

From Testing i have nothing, you might need the transmission stuff.

I also Use the Unstable Branch (advanced) especially all the iptables files for a powerfull linux firewall - except the cgi (I have my own one).

I use also a replaced Kernel for some reason.

On the advanced section i have unchecked the Add freetz version to subversion string, because plugins from AVM might not load correctly, they evaluate the firmwareversion using that string.

There is a very usefull section Plugin selection you might want to check, where you can decide what AVM plugins should be built-in in the box, whithout downloading them on every reboot from the manufacturer.

There are a lot more options for advanced users, down to kernel configuration changes, but for your first image you dont need to change them.

So I hope this gives you an overview. If you miss something later, just recompile your image with the new settings. The firs run takes a long time for the download of all the sources, subsequent builds are much faster.
Thank you very much!!!:groesste:
That was reeaally helpfull!!
Meanwhile i am making my image.. Hope it works!..
@nimrod: Ergänz doch das englische Wiki?

Ich könnte das was da ist nach und nach übersetzen wenn du mir ne PN schickst wie das geht. Weil selber alles von Grund auf neu erklären könnte ich vielleicht, als Noch-Nicht-Linux-Guru würden mir da aber etliche Fehler reinkommen.
Unfortunately, It had an error..
When applying USB storage patch, it is saying that hunk # failed...
error in patch-file ./patches/cond/usbstorage_3170.patch
What should i do next?

Something else, i have read that the 7140 has an usb 1.1 port or something, which means low speeds.. If i use an ethernet external hdd will it be supported?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Sorry, I have a differend hardware, but by the way, what is a ethernet external hdd?

What protocol does it support (samba, nfs, ftp, WebDAV, uPnP Media streams, SAN, iSCSI...)?
I checked in the fix for the usbstorage-patch-problem in trunk. Oliver may merge it if he has some time.
So i will have to wait for a newer realese?

I think ethernet external hdd supports ftp..
check this out

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